10 March, 2006

Russia: Day One

So, I decided to go to Russia instead of finishing my trip in Japan. Good idea, eh?

In other news: I was carrying a broken umbrella around because it was barely raining and I did not feel like using anything until I saw said umbrella carelessly tossed into the street, when a policeman assaulted me and replaced my broken covering-device with two new ones. How nice this country is!

I also have done the only thing that Sonia says that I should not do on a trip (and I have no regrets). :P

If you have not already told me what you want from Japan (or even if you have) please comment and let me know. I have procured some miscellaneous bits of Japanese culture to smuggle back home, but I need more ideas. Go-go-gadget BLOG!!! I also may have killed a hobo.

Have a nice day!

current mood: hyper

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