25 September, 2006

I Have Catastrophic News...

The doctors say my condition is irreversible, and well into its stages of maturity. It is only a matter of time before the inevitable occurs and I move into the land of the great beyond. This week I realized how much I take for granted, like me knee, and the ability to walk.

When they said I'd have wireless access in my classroom what they really meant was if I stand on my head in a pool of raisin oatmeal on the third Tuesday under a full moon, I'll get one bar of service. Those tricky Brits.

I've been busy the past week. My mates and I have been out in the pubs virtually every night and some of us show no signs of stopping. Last night was my host brother's birthday (28, oh how old!) and so I had some quality time with them, and decided they're a jolly bunch.

Classes should be very simple, and I look forward to having very little homework so I can go to some crazy-exotic trips for the weekends. What it looks like so far is; Norway, Denmark, Wales, Scotland, France, Greece, Amsterdam, Ireland, Germany, and of course many trips to London and around England. My only hope is that I somehow win the lottery (without even playing it) and can afford all these excursions without going into horrible debt, or selling my body on the street. I swore that one time was it, and I want to keep it that way.

Interesting trivia: we have class in a classroom that also has the most expensive piano in all of Oxford occupying it, which only a handful of people are allowed to play apparently. One of which is surely me. Don't you agree?

Circle One

Yes          No


If you message/post/deliver your address to me, there is a chance that I may even send you something back. So hop to it.

(My Address)

12, Heath Close
Oxford, England OX3-7NJ

Until next time, adios!

Current mood: drunk

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