15 February, 2007

Thank Goodness for French People

I touched down at 9:49 PM (Central/Standard Time), a return to the earth that signaled a 12-hour journey had come to a close. Though the trip was—for the most part—unremarkable, I finally felt free of the anxiousness and apprehension that had built up over the past few weeks. My new friend Yvan (ee-vahn) and I made our way to customs to enter what so far, is the awesomest country I have ever been in (NOTE: May be slight exaggeration in response to the drastic change from inclement to tropical weather). Unfortunately, his luggage was left behind in Houston, which meant that two non-native English speakers, he and the claims counter attendant, were forced to attempt to communicate in its halting and awkward prose.

Flash forward to outside the airport, where the tour guide-type person that Yvan had procured to take him to his hostel was nowhere to be found. Being that I had no reservations or any idea where I was supposed to stay once I arrived in San Jose, this boded unfavorably for our chances at having a clue what to do next. Thankfully, a nice non-English speaking "taxi" driver hassled us enough to convince us our rapidly dwindling options were, in fact, singular in nature. We accepted his offer, and he proceeded to lead my new friend and me to—rather than one of the nice, official-looking orange taxis in front of the entrance—a back-alley-ish parking structure which contained his decrepit blue van.

A frightening, harrowing drive and subsequent escape later, the beacon of hope and wonder that was Case Yoses stood before us! They were gracious enough to grant me accommodation even though I had not contacted them in advance, and now I find myself at a slow-ish, Spanishly-keyboarded computer reminiscing about the days' activities. No clue what is happening tomorrow, but Yvan wants to get his bags and depart for the coast where he plans on surfing an abandoned stretch of pristine beach front property for six weeks. Sounds delectable, I know—but alas!—I must find other means of entertainment for three days until I meet my, hopefully, amicable and gracious family, where I shall be staying for the next two months.

Wish me luck! and until we meet again!

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