I get the feeling that I am missing something. For the past six days I have a constant nagging... something... that I can not possibly put into words. I have only been here less than a third of my trip and I already have mostly passed the "tourist" stage and gone into some sort of other state that I am not sure how to cope with.
Today Shane and I drove around in our rented car and tonight we are going to head off onto some mountain road and either drive off a cliff (or sleep for the night). We continue to take pictures at all possible junctures and those of you with Facebook accounts can view them in my "Japan" album. Those of you who are not on Facebook will have to just deal with the gem I uploaded as my current profile picture.
I am sad that I do not speak Japanese at all enough to communicate in any way other than crude gestures and mostly not-understood English. I get the feeling that I am more in a "living in Japan" mode and as such want to get out there and actually meet people, which is harder to do without a common form of communication.
In any case, I believe this is probably my first real "blogish" type entry and as such I will leave you with some sort of quote or something.
"It is not the technique, it is the heart." - the guy that tried to coach my unsuccessful carp fishing attempts, whose name I've forgotten...
current mood: blah
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