24 March, 2006

I Am Back...

...and kind of homeless.

Call me so I can get your number in my phone, people!

current mood: lost

23 March, 2006

Japan Ends

So, I am leaving Tokyo in a few short hours to come to Chicago and then dandy little Minnesota. I am in some form of shock at the moment and cannot quite describe how I feel.

In other news, my cell phone battery died, which has erased all my phone numbers, quotes, game high scores, etcetera. Now I must recharge it and rebuild everything from scratch, but I shall need your help in doing so. When I get back to my house and have a chance to charge it, I will need you to call me (at (952) 200-1049) and give me the opportunity to get everything entered into my crap-tacular phone again.

Also, my money has run out and—as such—capsules will be in shorter supply than expected when I return. This means that you coming to my welcome home party is much more important than it was previously, when capsules were abundant and cheery.

In other other news, my car has already been towed (in fact it was probably towed when I posted the message) and—as such—any attempts at stealing cars in my parking lot were useless and unrequired. Unless of course you stole my car from the tow-lot and saved me about $400... in which case you are awesome and I owe you my soul.

I am really a lot happier than I sound.

current mood: blank

18 March, 2006

From Your Future

Well, today we shall venture out into the heart of Tokyo and see The Exorcism of Emily Rose, as well as perhaps do some karaoke (we are not sure).

Yesterday, I went with Jess and volunteered preparing and handing out food for the homeless. Apparently I make rice balls so fast that we were done two hours early, a feat never accomplished before my addition to the crew. In celebration, a nice old Japanese lady took Jess and me out to dinner at a local bar/sushi restaurant. It was fun, but I am not sure if my stomach has really figured out how to digest sushi yet because I am already feeling a bit sick. *shrugs* Oh well.

The day before, I hung out with Peter, who is actually a pretty swell guy. We went to Akihabara (the actual 'Electric City') to get his laptop fixed and then just wandered. After our adventures there we continued to Aksaksa where I attempted to find a Kimono for a certain sibling, but was thwarted by the astronomical prices. I don't think it is going to happen, sis.

Also, I have now seen my first Japanese TV drama, and understood about 2% of it. This was mostly due to the fact that it was horribly confusing (and not that it was in Japanese). Jess and Alyssa have watched it since the beginning, only missing one episode last week, and even they did not really get it.

Among other things I also went on a shopping spree at the grocery store and found Koala Yummies, which I have eaten and enjoyed tremendously. If you're lucky maybe I'll even bring some back so y'all can try 'em out.

Well now, being as I have said quite enough for today, I think I shall be off. I only have six more days here and I cannot figure out where my time has gone. Have fun in the cold snowy 'sprinter' of Minnesota, as I enjoy the warm, sunny weather of little old Japan.


current mood: nauseated

16 March, 2006


I taught English with Jess last night. The first bunch of kids (two tiny Japanese girls) were hellions until I stepped in and started running them through their silly flash cards. Following the learning, we played Bingo and it was delicious. Some super awkward Japanese Junior High students followed and I attempted to make small talk with folks who could not form a sentence more due to self-consciousness than not knowing how to speak. Then we played Uno and it was to die for.

Then this guy (whose name I do not remember) came over and made 'spiced wine' which is German (and exactly how it sounds). I promptly fell asleep and woke up at 10:00 AM this morning to find that Jess is going to hang out with her shy shy shy vague Japanese boy friend today and I am to keep myself busy with Peter, the awkward Aussie.

I have also read a bit of J.D. Salinger's book Nine Stories and realized that I love reading. I will continue to use it as a portable time waster that never gets old, until I am sick of it and want to start playing video games again or something.

On another note, Mom, you weirded me out hardcore with your last message and I hope you never do such a thing again, especially in front of my friends... ;)


P.S. My car is going to be towed from the apartment where I live because it snowed and I have the keys with me. If anyone has a shred of knowledge about stealing a car, please do so to mine so that I do not have to pay $10,000 when I return because they stored my car in a tow-lot for a week. Oh please, save me.

current mood: rejected

15 March, 2006

The Home Stretch

I have made it to the two thirds point of my trip. Only a week remains. As of late my updates have been a little less... 'coherent' (or 'sane') so I will try and keep things legit now.

Yesterday I saw Shane off to his train, which he would then be taking to his plane, of pain. Hopefully he made it all right and was not stopped in customs for the couple of kilos of coke I hid in his anus.

Now I am staying at my friend Jess's, which I think shall go splendidly. I have my own room and door and bed. We went shopping yesterday and then I had my first homemade Japanese meal (which despite the fact that it contained large amounts of vegetables, tofu, and more vegetables, I enjoyed it). Also, I met her roommate. Something which I forgot to try when Shane was here, but I assure you I will be bringing back loads of it, is Peanut Cream.

You see, they do not have the product known as 'peanut butter' in large supply at Japanese grocery stores. Instead, they have the odd-looking, but orgasmically delicious 'peanut cream'. Those of you that actually come to my 'Welcome Home Luke' party will perhaps even have a chance to sample the delectable delight that can only be described as heavenly.

As for the last few days: Shane and I left Kyoto for Beppu, which we left for Hiroshima, which we left for Osaka, and then came back to Tokyo for the plane and such. I will describe each city in one word.

Beppu: anticlimactic

Hiroshima: intense

Osaka: remeniscant

Of course my spelling is probably horribly whacked all through out my sentences, but I am pretty sure Osaka's word it way off. I do not feel the need to expend the effort to look it up, so just decode it and deal with it.

On another note, I am not sure what sort of updates you all should be looking out for, but I doubt they will be as regular as they have been in the past. Jess seems as though she has an idea of stuff for us to do and none of it includes sitting around in internet cafes wasting time. Well... actually sometimes it does. In any case, tonight I get to go and teach English with her and start making contacts for my eventual take-ove—I mean return. I quiver with antici—



antici—              pation.

Au revoir.

current mood: mellow

12 March, 2006

Korea: Day Three

As it turns out I did not go to Russia. I had only said I was going to Russia in order to throw off and further infuriate the Japanese authorities that had been after me for a reason I would rather not go in to right now (it may or may not have been about the decline in their hobo population). The funny thing is that they traced my IP and found me anyway, sending hordes of ninja assassins to end my reign of terror. I thought to myself, don't ninjas climb on the ceiling?

Immediately, I knew I was wrong. They do not climb on the ceiling, they sneak and kill on the ceiling. Using my newfound knowledge and my S.O.C.K. (Sneak on Ceiling and Kill) abilities, I dispatched over four hundred paid professionals, as well as an unfortunate man who did not have a home. Russia then decided that the ruckus I was causing was of great benefit to their country and so they paid off my bounty and sent me here, to an internet cafe in Korea.

I also just drank an entire glass of Minute Maid Grapefruit Juice thinking it was Orange Juice. I am extremely disappointed.

Though babbling on for a few more hours sounds like fun, time is money and money is finite. I must depart for greener pastures, shortly. Adieu and Sayonara.

current mood: creative

10 March, 2006

Russia: Day One

So, I decided to go to Russia instead of finishing my trip in Japan. Good idea, eh?

In other news: I was carrying a broken umbrella around because it was barely raining and I did not feel like using anything until I saw said umbrella carelessly tossed into the street, when a policeman assaulted me and replaced my broken covering-device with two new ones. How nice this country is!

I also have done the only thing that Sonia says that I should not do on a trip (and I have no regrets). :P

If you have not already told me what you want from Japan (or even if you have) please comment and let me know. I have procured some miscellaneous bits of Japanese culture to smuggle back home, but I need more ideas. Go-go-gadget BLOG!!! I also may have killed a hobo.

Have a nice day!

current mood: hyper

09 March, 2006

The Return

Despite Shane's attempts otherwise, I am alive and safe after a harrowing night on windy Japanese mountain roads. At the moment I am sitting in the lobby of my Ryokan (traditional Japanese Inn), awaiting 7:00 PM at which time I am going to be served some sort of traditional dinner I may gag down.

Today was another slower day, but these things have happened recently that have not been discussed: Shane almost smashed into a motorcyclist; Shane almost smashed into a car; Shane almost smashed into the guard rail bordering the tiny road; Shane smashed into a curb (well okay... not "smashed"... but he did scrape it); Shane got hopelessly lost and was saved by Luke's exquisite sense of direction; Shane got totally drunk out of his mind and spent a bit too much money; Shane got lost two blocks from where we were staying and wandered around like a deer in headlights for about fifteen minutes; Shane drank a bottle of extremely chlorinated city water and got sick; Shane spanked me; Shane watched me kill a hobo; Shane is constantly in tune with his temperature and feels obligated to inform me of any changes whatsoever; Shane blew out his second knee (of two) and is currently in pain; Shane packed a bag that is twice the size of mine (half the size of ME) and cannot seem to figure out how to make it not dig into his neck, thus resulting in a constant update about how his neck is feeling (bad or worse, mostly terrible); and Shane thinks the universe loves him as much as it loves me (which it does not).

I think this entry will be subtitled "The Many Faces of My Traveling Partner: Complaining or Uncomfortable."

Talk to you in a day or so.

current mood: hungry

08 March, 2006

Into Infinity

I get the feeling that I am missing something. For the past six days I have a constant nagging... something... that I can not possibly put into words. I have only been here less than a third of my trip and I already have mostly passed the "tourist" stage and gone into some sort of other state that I am not sure how to cope with.

Today Shane and I drove around in our rented car and tonight we are going to head off onto some mountain road and either drive off a cliff (or sleep for the night). We continue to take pictures at all possible junctures and those of you with Facebook accounts can view them in my "Japan" album. Those of you who are not on Facebook will have to just deal with the gem I uploaded as my current profile picture.

I am sad that I do not speak Japanese at all enough to communicate in any way other than crude gestures and mostly not-understood English. I get the feeling that I am more in a "living in Japan" mode and as such want to get out there and actually meet people, which is harder to do without a common form of communication.

In any case, I believe this is probably my first real "blogish" type entry and as such I will leave you with some sort of quote or something.

"It is not the technique, it is the heart." - the guy that tried to coach my unsuccessful carp fishing attempts, whose name I've forgotten...

current mood: blah

07 March, 2006

Star Date: WTF?

I do not know if you can see my videos, but I am attempting to upload one that Shane made so you all can watch it.

On another note, I forgot to mention that I went carp fishing yesterday; that was a fun time. Today was more laid back and I am not really in the mood to write anything... but I am in Kyoto now, so, "go me!" as they say.


current mood: contemplative

06 March, 2006

Day IV

Describing today in one word: jingo!

I do not even know where to start. I: went to the fish market again and tried squid; walked down Ginza strip when there were cars present and did not recognize it; spent most of the day with two really rad New Zealand mates; attempted to go to the Imperial Palace East Garden but was thwarted by my not reading ahead and knowing it is closed on Mondays (and Fridays... but that does not apply to our story); ate a waffle cone ice cream sandwich; went to the Sony building only to find my sole purpose of going there (video games) was moved to an entirely separate building far, far away; went to 'Electric Town' (finally) and discovered it consisted mainly of lots and lots of strip clubs and/or nudie shows (perhaps it was not 'Electric Town' after all); went to the biggest electronics store I have ever seen and was essentially tempted by nothing; royally pissed off the nice old Japanese man working behind the counter at the Youth Hostel we've been staying; killed a hobo; ate dinner at a 'pasta' place, which had an old west motif and played reggae music; was assaulted by a drunken Japanese film director in said eating establishment; switched residence to a Capsule Hotel, which has convinced me to become drunken Japanese businessman so I can stay at one every night; and said goodbye to my new friends in Tokyo, for tomorrow I head on out to Kyoto!

Seriously, capsule hotels rule!

current mood: rejuvenated

05 March, 2006

Day 3

Today was a good day.

I: rode in a human-pulled cart (forgot what they are called); got a free massage from a deluxe Japan model (chair); bought my first souvenirs; went to the Tokyo National Museum; enjoyed disaster awareness day at the park; got some free food from a nice old lady, who only knew four or five words in English yet still felt the need to tell me about her son (or daughter... I could not really tell because she kept changing references) and her new cell phone; found out what the souvenir I bought earlier is actually used for (a cell phone dangly thingee); saw some Shinto temples and had my fortune told by a stick; bathed in incense for good luck; tried yet again to go to 'Electric Town' but was thwarted by a bad sense of direction; watched Shane attempt to pick up a Japanese girl (who is convinced he would have succeeded if she did not already have a boyfriend); discovered that they eat 'Corn Mayo Pizza' (and apparently like it); took a shower for the first time (in Japan); got annoyed at Shane for his crappy Japanese, which he thinks is pretty good even though he cannot get across basic phrases (though I do not really know if I can do it either); killed a hobo; was totally confounded when I received my lunch (because apparently you light the pan underneath on fire to keep it warm), and, finally, I touched a raccoon for good luck with money.

current mood: clean

04 March, 2006

Day Two

Wow. That is what I have to say about today. Wow.

In not-so-chronological order: I woke up at 6:00 AM; went to the fish market and saw the craziness; ate sushi at a sit-down traditional sushi restaurant; rode the subway for the first time ever; became The Pigeon King at the park; saw Peppi the Clown do a silly performance; played some form of leap frog with a team of Japanese baseball players; went to a Buddhist temple and prayed; went to Ginza Strip where the fashionably hip hang out; bought a donut thing which apparently had delicious fruit filling; killed a hobo; saw the eternal atomic bomb flame memorial; almost got smashed by weird truck/tractor/wagon-type vehicles (multiple times); sampled various sushi dishes along the street which may or may not have been actual samples; played with Barbies and Legos in the middle of the street; shot so many pictures that the camera died and we could not shoot the last portion of our trek; saw a homeless person gathering where they all sat in orderly lines and got bananas and other food; ate ice cream for breakfast; sat by as my party members drank beer in the street at noon; discovered a secret stash of alcohol at a local coffee shop; played on a Japanese playground; and went on the one final excursion, which can only be described as "holy-crap-what-the-heck-just-happened?" (please inquire for more details once I am home, as the story would take too much time to type... and I am not sure I want to relive it just yet...).

All-in-all, I'd say it was a fan-freaking-tacular day. Also, I do not think I am ever coming home.

current mood: uncomfortable

03 March, 2006

Day One

So... I am in Japan. How is that going for me, you ask? Freaking awesome. So far I have: embarrassed myself in front of countless crazy Japanese people; eaten some noodles that I ordered from a vending machine; had my first awkward conversation with a Japanese person who was speaking English; had the best seats in the whole plane (twice!); was lost in Tokyo; almost was run over; tried to crush a can of hot coffee from a vending machine and failed; got hopelessly confused during a customs fiasco; rented a mobile phone for keeping in touch with said crazy Japanese people; realized that I maybe should have bought and brought a warmer coat; killed a hobo; watched Thunderball (the best Sean Connery James Bond movie in the entire universe); and also thought I lost my wallet, passport, money, and everything else (that I would be screwed if I actually lost) on multiple separate occasions. I would say it is going well. Tune in next time! Same bat time! Same bat channel!

current mood: accomplished